UI/UX Design
Parents App




Mew is an app that aims to make your child’s learning experience interactive and fun while keeping the parents in the loop to celebrate the small and big achievements. We are trying to connect the parent, child and school or daycare in a harmonious loop.

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Problem Statement

During the COVID-19 Lockdown, Everyone had to isolate themselves at home avoiding any physical interaction/contact. As Adults one could interact through various online mediums but as kids one of their key means of interaction and doing fun exercises where being at school. One of the major problems which was identified was how much does a parent know about their child when they are at school. Surprisingly very few as they were more keen on knowing what the assignments were.


The Aim of MEW is to Make the parents be in the loop of their child's day to day activities and be updated about their daily doings in school. In this case they would be able to understand what interests their child more and can help them grow from a small age.


The best solution possible during the most distressing time was an App. Therefore MEW Parent is an App for the parents to be updated with their kid's performance from reading to which games are they interested in. It provides student analytics, scores, homework's, books to read and even portal to submit their homework's online.


Thanks For taking your Time :)

In this particular research, I had used methods like User Persona, User Interviews (Face to Face) and Secondary research to understand the problem in a larger context.