I'm Noel

I've been in design for quite some time, taking an interest in new things and constantly learning.

Born & raised in Chennai, India. Quite hot there but currently living in pleasant Bangalore, India.

a little bit about me

I’m Noel Aby Philip and currently pursuing my undergraduate degree in Interaction design at Anant National University, School of Design. I am skilled in User Interface design, Experience design and Service Design. I love providing the best experience through my designs by empathizing with the user. I care about the experience  provided by a product without compromising in it’s visual design. My core interests and ability lies in Research based UI/UX Design.

Other than just being an UI/UX Designer, I would like to call my self an explorer as I love to Travel, do Photography, Communicate, Play Cricket, DJ, Gaming and out of all Manage time and resources.


FIRMS I Interned with


This approach works practically every time for me. To create a good end product, I feel the most essential thing is to stick to the process.



Firstly it is important to completely understand what I will be working on so that I can plan my journey ahead accordingly. This process helps in clearly vision what project I am getting into and gives me a rough idea of what I will be handling.



Good design needs good research therefore although research is already done, I do my own research for a much better clarity. In this process it's always better to understand the problems and to approach them in a more user centered manner.

Secondary Research
Primary Research
Focus groups


While researching, I start my process of ideating by being inspired by various existing designs to create the best experience. I'm a learner and I love to take UI/UX tips and inspiration from others to enhance my skills in this area continuously.



Well having a clear mind is important for what you are going to design. Therefore the last 3 steps help me improvise and not get too confused on what to do :)

Low-fidelity wireframe
High-fidelity wireframe

test & Iterate

Not always you need to be perfect. Therefore I test my designs with various types of users to find the flaws in the existing/first draft designs and Iterate on them. This process helps me in creating an experience for users with less problems faced at the time of actual launch of the product.

usability testing
rapid eye testing