UI/UX Design
Interactive product




Maali is a brand which is trying to take a futuristic approach on the conservation of plants grown at homes. Futuristic approaches be like Smart Pots with companion apps which would help from using this particular from any location and providing communities to get tips and tricks related to this particular field from experts.

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Problem Statement

There are no existing community at large, people who wish to do gardening but don't have the time to do so, giving a new home to excess plants and giving people an opportunity to be engaged and be informed about their plants.


A friendly plant exchange community and an information bucket at the disposal of the users. The introduction of smart pots to help home gardeners.


Providing a gardening experience where people don't have to worry about wasting them. Therefore introducing various types of smart pots which has it's features. A companion app to control the smart pots and give live updates and conditions of plant to plant enthusiasts and an e-commerce website where purchases of these products could be made.


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In order to achieve our goal, we needed to go through a rigorous research process to validate our assumptions. Therefore, we had used Empathy Mapping, User Personas, Customer Journey Maps and Tone of Voice to decide the voice of our brand.